Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pearls of Wisdom

A while back, I read the blog "Pearls of Wisdom" by Caree Recover, where she talks about being retired for 10 years. I have a clock on my blog that counts the days, hours, and minutes since I retired. Actually, I have two clocks: one marks my official retirement, and the other tracks my true retirement, with an 8-year difference between them. I was slow to retire, returning to work just two days after initially retiring on a part-time basis, which soon became full-time. After quitting the full-time job, I was rehired part-time a month later. This pattern continued for about three years until I fully retired.

I haven’t always focused on retirement milestones, but I am now approaching 19 years of retirement, with the last 10 years being fully retired. Over time, I’ve shared my retirement journey and the common challenges we face. The idea of milestones is intriguing. We celebrate milestones like becoming a teenager or turning 21, but as we age, we often overlook them. While we celebrate significant birthdays, like turning 65, 80, or 90, we tend to forget other milestones, such as 10 years of retirement.

So, I want to congratulate Caree on this remarkable achievement and encourage everyone considering retirement to recognize and celebrate these important milestones.

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