Sunday, August 25, 2024

Travel by rail in Europe 1

My son's partner's father and his girlfriend recently returned from  Europe where they travelled around by rail. I got to thinking that for most of us who are retired, the last thing we would do is travel by rail in Europe. The Three main reasons for not using rail travel in Europe for retirees are: 

  1. Complexity and Confusion: Many retirees fear that navigating the rail system in Europe will be too complicated and confusing, especially if they are unfamiliar with the language and culture.
  2. Comfort and Accessibility: Concerns about comfort, accessibility, and the physical demands of rail travel, including boarding trains and handling luggage, can be daunting for older travellers.
  3. Safety and Security: Safety and security concerns, including the fear of theft or getting lost, are common worries among retirees considering rail travel.

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