Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The symphony of life

In the symphony of life, a catalogue of 'afters' unfolds,

A melody of moments, precious and untold.

Navigating the score, with choices to make,

Wisdom realized, not to let moments forsake.


The coffee grows cold, a subtle metaphor,

For time slipping away, knocking on the door.

Priorities dance, a shifting ballet,

In the rhythm of life, they constantly sway.


Promises, like notes, can be easily lost,

In the hustle and bustle, the price is the cost.

The symphony plays on, a relentless stream,

Yet, the echoes of broken vows haunt our dreams.


Children grow, like the crescendo's rise,

A harmonious journey, a profound surprise.

Parents age, their notes slowly wane,

Yet, their wisdom lingers as an eternal refrain.


Life's rhythm doesn't pause for our delays,

It marches forward in mysterious ways.

As we dance to the beat, of the grand parade,

Each step we take leaves a mark, a cascade.


The symphony concludes, the final chord,

A poignant moment, the truth underscored.

In the silence that follows, reflections arise,

As we embrace the rhythm, where no echo lies.


So, let us conduct with purpose and grace,

Embrace each note, in this fleeting space.

For in the catalogue of 'afters,' we find,

The melody of life is profound and intertwined.

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