Sunday, September 1, 2024

Teenage grandchildren

 Just Face It, Your Kids Think You're an Artifact (Ancient and no longer relevant)

Remember when you were young and convinced you'd never grow up? Thirty seemed ancient, and you figured you'd never actually get there. Well, surprise—you did! And now you're over fifty-five with teenage grandchildren who think you're straight out of the Stone Age.

Think back to when you thought your own parents were relics who had no clue about your world. They were basically fossils to you. Fast forward a few decades, and now it's your turn. Despite your best efforts to stay hip and in the know, your grandkids see you as a living museum exhibit.

You might think you've got this whole parenting-grandparenting thing down. After all, you survived the teenage years yourself, right? But to them, you're just an old geezer who wouldn’t understand their struggles even if they bit you in the pants.

Don't sweat it. It's a rite of passage. Every generation believes they invented everything cool, and every generation thinks their elders just don't get it. Accept it—embrace your artifact status.

Here's the secret: acknowledge your ancient status with pride. Admit you have no clue about their latest TikTok trend or whatever newfangled app they’re glued to. Let them figure things out on their own. Eventually, they’ll circle back to you for guidance.

Rest assured, the day will come when they realize you're not just a clueless relic. They’ll see you as the wise sage you truly are. Until then, let them bask in their teenage drama. When they finally ask for your advice, you'll have the pleasure of saying, "I told you so."

And one day, they'll have their own kids who think they’re fossils. Then, they'll come to you and laugh about how their kids don't know anything, just like they once thought about you.

Welcome to the Unpopular Parent Club! Population: every parent and grandparent ever.

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