Wednesday, October 9, 2024

More jokes for the fall

 1. Why don't scarecrows have brains? They're full of straw.

2. What do you call a scarecrow who's really good at his job? A scare-excellent.

3. Why did the pumpkin get a ticket? It was caught jack-o'-lantern-ing.

4. What do you call a pumpkin that's afraid of heights? A squash-afraid.

5. Why did the leaf change colours? It was feeling autumnal.

6. What's the difference between a scarecrow and a zombie? A scarecrow has a brain.

7. Why did the scarecrow love his job? He had a great outlook.

8. Why did the turkey go to the psychiatrist? He was feeling fowl.

9. What do you call a really small pumpkin? A mini-mellow.

10. Why did the scarecrow need a new job? He was too corny.

11. What do you call a pumpkin that's really shy? A gourd-geous.

12. Why did the scarecrow go to the doctor? He had a straw-berry in his teeth.

13. Why did the leaf love autumn? It was his favorite season.

14. What do you call a pumpkin that's really old? A vintage gourd.

15. Why did the scarecrow go to the dentist? He had a toothache.

16. What do you call a pumpkin that's really fast? A gourd-zilla.

17. Why did the scarecrow love his job? It was a real scare-tactic.

18. What do you call a pumpkin that's really sad? A gourd-geous mess.

19. Why did the scarecrow love his job? He had a great outlook on life.

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