Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weight Loss Part 1

My broher Ed sent me the following essay he wrote on weight loss, I thought it would be a good idea to share his ideas at this time of year. The essay is divided into 3 parts and presented over the next three days.

At this moment there are millions of people just like you who need to lose weight and they are pondering how to accomplish it.  Is there an easy solution?  The simple answer is no.   However, there are actions that you can take based on good science that can help.

Have you ever heard the commercial that repeats this statement many times - remember it is not you; it is your metabolism?  Regretfully, it is you.  Real science is full of potential ideas that will help us lose weight if we are willing to use them. First, beware of fads.   Keep away from them.

Yes, there are ways to lose significant amounts of weight in a short period of time.  This is about using science for healthy long-term weight loss, not about going to short-term extremes.   Taking in less than 800 calories a day may cause heart rhythm abnormalities. Weekly losses of over three pounds can add to your risk of developing gallstones.  It is recommended the best weight lose is between half a pound to two pounds a week. 

Weight loss is all about calories taken in and calories burnt.  If you want to lose weight you need to count your calories and burn more calories than you take in.   It takes about 3500 calories to add a pound.  It will take about 3500 calories to lose that same pound.
Let’s start with a simple technique, one we all know, but probably don’t employ. 

Change the size of plate you are using.   Instead of a 12-inch plate use a 10-inch plate and you will consume about 22 percent less food.  When there is more food available we eat more.  Now add more vegetables to the same plate and you will reduce your calorie intake by 100 more calories per meal.  Adding the vegetables for two weeks will raise your vitamin C levels by 20 percent and reduce you uric acid by 8 to 18 percent.  High levels of uric acid causes gout, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. 

Another simple trick is to eat an apple about a half an hour before dinner.   An apple as it is, is about 125 calories, but studies show on average people who ate the apple consumed 187 calories less for that next meal.  Plus they felt fuller for longer than those who did not eat an apple.

Losing weight is much more complicated than it sounds.   If you are a boxer who is over his weight class there are ways to lose those extra pounds before the weigh in.  Many popular diet plans use methods that will help shed pounds for short periods.  But weight loss shouldn’t be temporary.  Take aim at that ideal weight and hold on to your goal for the long term.  Don’t get discouraged because you ate too much for a day or week.   Refocus and achieve your goal.   Tell someone your goal and report to them about your progress. Being accountable to someone helps you sustain your goal.

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