Friday, May 4, 2012

Attention all proactive people from Occupy Canada

From a post on my Facebook page. Please Share, sign and mail
Regarding the Robocall Election Fraud that occurred last year:
PLEASE PRINT, SIGN, and MAIL the following petition calling for a public inquiry to:
The Fight for Democracy
221 Glendale Ave
P.O Box 25014 Pen Centre
St.Catharines, On
L2T 2K0
And have as many people as possible sign copies as well!! If you can only find one person to fill in a signature on a page, no problem, we can still accept it.
Unfortunately, only physical - and not electronic - petitions are certifiable in parliament.
PLEASE SHARE (and copy and paste these instructions!) Thank you!
Occupy Canada
Step 1: Open the petition file.
Step 2: Print it.
Step 3: Have you and somebody else sign it.
... Step 4: Put it into an envelope.
Step 5: Place a stamp on the envelope.
Step 6: Write address on the envelope and drop into mail box.
Step 7: Repeat process for your friends.

More from the Occupy Canada post:

Most people don't realize the utter significance of a stolen election. The democratic right to vote, unsuppressed, in order to create a legitimate democratic government, is the bedrock of our very foundation as a supposedly democratic society.
All else follows. The laws, they follow. The enforcement, it follows. But when an illegitimately won election creates an illegitimate government, all ...else becomes subsequently illegitimate as well. The laws they attempt to pass become illegitimate, etc. Therefore, it is the most fundamental concern of our democracy at this moment... and most people don't even realize it.
Yesterday (May 2nd)  I got 138 people to sign a paper petition that is certifiable by parliament. Technically, all electronic petitions are actually uncertifiable in parliament - parliament has the right to dismiss them. We therefore must not give them any avenue of recourse to say that people do not give a shit. People must sign paper petitions.
Ideally, by September, we'd like at least 10,000 paper petitions to personally and physically present to the House of Commons. Help us reach this goal by taking the time to print up the petition, sign it, and mail it.
We have paper petitions that can be printed up and mailed to the PO Box shown in the link below, with  , so that we may send them in en masse in September. Please spread the word.
-Jon A

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