Monday, September 10, 2012

September 17th Take Canada Back Day UPDATE

The following is from the Occupy Canada Facebook page, source at the end of the post:

Puppet Harper is destroying Canada for his corporate masters. Haven't you noticed Canada isn't recognizable right now? Have a look at all of the sources attached below. Join us across Canada on September 17th on the first day parliament returns, it's time to rally the country and Take Canada Back! 

If you don't live in Canada, or otherwise won't be in the country to commemorate the anniversary of the Occupy Movement, never fear, there are local rallies happening around the world! Check here for one local to you!

International Rallies:

PICK YOUR CITY! September 17, 2012

S17 Info-List: *NEW* 8 Updates TWITTER: #S17 #cdnpoli #StopHarper #TakeCanadaBack #OccupyCanada


LIVE STREAM TEAM -*NEW* Contact: Jeremy Oh

-Cross-Canada -Ottawa -*NEW* Ottawa (7 Days of Marching)

-*NEW* March to Ottawa S.O.S. (page)

-*NEW* Sept 15th, Ottawa Tuition (event)

-*NEW* Sept 15th, Global Protest (page)

"You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it." -Stephen Harper. 2006 quote.

Quote source 1.
May 5, 2012- National post: “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it,” warned Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2006

Quote source 2.
Stephen Harper once said ‘you won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it.’

Quote source 3.
There are some in the parliamentary press gallery in Ottawa who firmly believe that Stephen Harper has told his closest confidantes that they won’t recognize Canada once he is done governing. Are these recent changes part of what he has in mind?

Quote source 4.
Indulge me as I repeat that last sentence. "You won't recognize Canada when I get through with it". In the original ad, the segment was ended with a three word commentary, 'He wasn't kidding'. Turns out he really wasn't kidding.

Stephen Harper and the almost unlimited power of a majority government

All references attached below:

WARNING: Harper wants 1984 Big Brother Government to spy on you (Bill C-30)

Toronto Star: Haroon Siddiqui -"Harper acting like an elected dictator"

Macleans Magazine: Andrew Potter-
"Want Harper to be less of a dictator? Give him a majority." Yeah that worked.. after his government prorogued parliament and then was found in contempt.


Harper wrote about Canada being a dictatorship in 1997..

CBC news: Terry Milewski - "So, let's consider that obscure but intriguing article, written in 1997 by two brainy conservatives, Tom Flanagan and Stephen Harper. Yes, it calls Canada "a benign dictatorship."

Huffington Post: Harper Conquers Canada, One Robocall at a Time.
Election fraud: We should not treat this as some petty misdemeanor. This is a grave threat to our very basic freedom. This is a threat to our democracy. This is corruption. "This isn't a story about "dirty tricks," it's about election fraud. This isn't "stupid," it's illegal. This isn't "folly," it was a deliberate, systematic, strategic, targeted campaign to steal the election. This isn't "voter suppression," it's stealing democracy."

Government of Canada Renamed 'The Harper Government'
CBC News Video:

'Harper Government' Not 'Government Of Canada': Why Did Tories Pursue 'Harperization'? Documents obtained by The Canadian Press reveal widespread incomprehension and unease among public service professionals who have been ordered to change "Government of Canada" to "Harper Government" in non-partisan communications materials.

Tories rebrand ‘Government of Canada’ as ‘Harper Government’

Harper shuts down Parliament
“Three times in three years and twice within one year, the prime minister takes this extraordinary step to muzzle Parliament. This time it’s a coverup of what the Conservatives knew, and when they knew it, about torture in Afghanistan. So their solution is not to answer the questions but, rather, to padlock Parliament and shut down democracy.”

Harper government impedes process of collective bargaining, strike right

May 28, 2012- Dark days for Canada's trade unions
"This is not just a war on unions. It's an attack on all working people in Canada to fundamentally change the labour market in ways that benefit employers.''

Google any of these references for the article sources to pop up.

Stephen Harper called Canada a dictatorship, Google it.
Stephen Harper met secretly with China's propaganda minister
Stephen Harper renamed the Government of Canada after himself. (The Harper Government)
Harper Government broke the law when dismantling Canadian Wheat Board
Harper Government broke election laws
Harper government spending $1Billion dollars on armed drones for our military.
Harper plans to privatize Canada's prisons.
Harper wants police to spy on ALL Canadians with no warrants
Harper secretly allowed U.S troops full access into Canada.
Harper secretly allowed U.S police/F.B.I full access into Canada.
Harper Government Building $9 Million Barricades for Parliament Hill
Harper Government building $46 Million glass dome for parliament
Found in Contempt, first time in Canadian history
Harper has Majority in Parliament
Harper has Majority in the senate
Approx. $1 Billion spent for Harper's G20 3 day security summit
Harper paid the RCMP $500 million at the G20 summit
Harper's personal security costs $47 million in just under two years
Harper government $2 million fake lake, and $9.4 million dollar G20 fence
Largest mass violations of civil rights and largest mass arrests in Canadian history at Harper's G20, Harper chose downtown Toronto
Harper's Omnibus crime bill estimated to cost $19 billion
$25 Billion contract for Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets
Canadian census contracted to Lockheed Martin for $81 million
Harper spending $35-billion for new ships
$9 Billion for New super Jails when crime rates are the lowest in 40 years
Canadian loss of Sovereignty in secret border deal with US
Prorogued Parliament (twice shut down parliament in face of opposition)
Harper government illegal $50 Million dollar "G8 Legacy fund"
Harper Government hires $90,000-a-day 'cuts' consultant firm
Harper government covered up afghan torture
Harper adviser Tom Flanagan called for the assassination of Julian Assange
Harper adviser Bruce Carson fraud x5/prostitute scandal/Native water contracts
Harper adviser huge segal, a senator wants to erode Canada into a "North American community" giving control to private bankers and corporations.
Harper spent $23 million on a media centre for the G8 leaders 3 day summit.
Federal spending up 22% since Harper took power
Harper spending $28 million for the War of 1812-1814 commemoration
$226M in proposed veterans cuts by the Harper Government
The Harper government dropped more than $10 million on news conferences over the past five years
Harper cuts over $200 million in environment spending
Harper defends asbestos exports despite cancer risks
"Ordinary folks don't care about arts": Harper
"People don't care about Afghan detainee issue": Harper
"Canadian people don't care about contempt" :Harper
Feel free to add to this list..

Shared by Derek Soberal@OccupyCanada
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