Thursday, December 27, 2012

Take the time to relax

It’s a great feeling to achieve success in your work life. When things are going well it is very easy to get completely wrapped up in your work and dedicate vast amounts of time towards it. But is it a good thing to dedicate so much time to your work life? There are benefits from taking work seriously and being business minded, but focusing entirely on your life can have negative effects as well.
If you do not take the time to let yourself unwind, it can lead to some serious fatigue problems, and you may begin to feel burned out. In a burned out state you are never as productive. There are ways to avoid letting this happen by balancing your work life properly with times of calm, recreation and relaxation. Below there are tips for achieving a good balance for your work life. If you follow some or all of these, it will help to relieve a lot of stress from your day-to-day operations.
1. Lessen the amount of time you work.
This may not be possible for everyone, but for entrepreneurs, small business owners and freelance workers of all sorts, this can be a good method to lessen your stress. Sometimes people in these career paths can feel like they are always working since they are their own bosses for the most part, but limiting the days you work a week to four or five can work wonders. A little extra time off can help one recharge their batteries.
2. Consistently work in the same place.
For freelancers and entrepreneurs it can be easy just to start working at any time or anywhere. You just pull out your laptop or smart phone and go about business with this mindset. It can be best for you mentally to keep your work confined to a particular space. When you get used to working in your living room for instance, when you are trying to relax there it will always feel like you are working. You begin to associate work with that place. Keeping your work in a designated office space can keep this from happening.
3. Make time for loved ones.
Try to schedule the times you are working so that you can still spend time with family and friends. It is not good to be so wrapped up in work that you neglect the relationships with those close to you. If your spouse is always free on a Tuesday, try to schedule that as a day off for yourself as well. Enjoy time with your loved ones.
4. Leave your phone off sometimes.
Many of us feel attached at the hip to our smart phones these days. They are such useful devices and keep us in touch with business partners and friends alike. On your days off when you are having a relaxed evening with your spouse of friends though, turn it off. Do not let it distract you constantly.
5. No guilty feelings about not working.
Do not let yourself feel guilty for enjoying some good “me time.” Sometimes when you are a driven individual you get it in your head that all your time should be spent on productively working towards goals. You need the down time though. Your hard work should be for the purpose of ensuring the happiness of your lives and the lives of your loved ones. Take the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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