Friday, May 29, 2015

Travel and Adventure

We were at a housewarming party the other day and conversation moved to travel and adventure. We talked about our trips to Australia and others talked of their trips to Maui  and Scotland, Ireland and England. We all are in our late 60's and plan to continue to travel until our health or the cost of travel insurance makes it impossible to continue.

Travel is not for everyone, one person talked about a couple who had different views on travelling. He hated to travel, being in airports, long drives in cars, or even on trains, were discomforting and exhausting for him. Once he arrived at his destination, he loved being where ever he was as long as he was stationed in one spot. His significant other loved the journey, loved being in motion but when she arrived she wanted to explore the surroundings, to be in motion, to experience the moment. The couple, because of their different views, did not travel much.

Travelling with other couples was part of our conversation. Three couples went to Florence, Italy. One of the couples, lived for art and culture, were excited about the prospect of exploring this great city, but when they arrived the others in the group announced they were not interested in visiting Art Museums or other artistic venues. The couple was very disappointed

Another couple went to Maui with the hosts of the housewarming and the husband of the second couple was looking forward to cooking, barbecuing and showing off his culinary skills. When they arrived the wife of the other couple said, I am not cooking, I am eating out every night. The husband did not get a chance to show off his learned skills.

The reality is that people travel for many different reasons, and if you are travelling with a group or with another couple, you need to discuss what you hope to get out of the holiday and if you don't you may end up not meeting your expectations. Travel is fun, resting, educational and joyful and rewarding if shared with others, but only if there is discussion about expectations first.

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