Sunday, October 18, 2015

More thoughts on life and love

11. Stop looking outwards for external things, people and events to fill up your inner void. You’re looking in the wrong place. The answer you seek is INSIDE.

12. The phone is great… it can help you do a lot of things. But it can’t give you a hug when you’re feeling down. So stop fiddling with your phone when you’re out with your friends… unless you’re coding the “hug me when everyone’s gone” application.

13. Spend time with your family. Take your parents or your kids out for meals and movies. It doesn't cost a lot… but it makes them really happy.

14. When you stay EMO, you’re telling the right guy/girl who comes along: “I’m not ready for your love because I’m still upset about what the wrong guy/girl did… run along now… I’ll catch up with you in 20 years tops!”

15. Nobody owes you anything. I repeat… nobody owes you anything!

16. In 5 years, you’ll look back and laugh at the biggest problem you’re having now.

17. If you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy in a relationship. Another person only magnifies your problems. You’ll project all your unhappiness on the poor guy/girl and he/she is going to leave you and you’ll reaffirm to yourself that you suck. Happiness doesn’t start with someone else… it starts with you.

18. Love yourself first. How can you hate yourself and expect someone else to love you?

19. Stop reading about other people’s success stories and idolizing them and start doing what it is you are supposed to do to create your own success story so others can read about and idolize you.

20. Figure out what you want… otherwise others will just string you along to accomplish what THEY want.

21. Once in a while, do the opposite of what that little voice inside is telling you. See what happens.

22. The media is full of propaganda. Don’t believe everything you come across in the newspapers and on tv.

23. There is no magic pill.

24. Nobody’s zooming in on all your perceived flaws and judging you because of that except yourself. Seriously, most people won’t notice your beer belly until you tell them about it.

25. Don’t always try to be the hero. You can’t help someone who’s not willing to help themselves.

26. Most people equate attention to love… that’s why we’re always doing silly things to get attention.

27. Don’t be so afraid of death that you stop living and going after your dreams

28. We are so used to taking things for granted. Stop, just for a second, to admire the beauty that surrounds you.

29. At the end of the day, no matter what you do, you’ll have critics. Just do what you love and what makes you happy, and be thankful there are people who care enough to talk about you.

The ideas here are NOT originally mine. Am simply sharing it. Credit goes to the original author if there is anything that is worth picking.

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