Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Know the Signs

If you think the main signs of a heart attack are clenched fists or chest pain and pressure, think again. In reality, this is only seen in about 50% of individuals, Other, more common symptoms include a sensation of heaviness in the chest without pain, a sudden onset of difficulty breathing and lightheadedness, fatigue and abdominal discomfort. If you think you’re having a heart attack, call 9-1-1. Better to be wrong and seek immediate medical attention than to risk missing a true heart attack,

What can cause a heart attack, here are some that may surprise you:

Do you have a hard time keeping your cool under stress? It could be hurting your heart. In a 2015 study, participants showed an 8.5 times higher risk of heart attack two hours after intense outbursts of anger – in situations such as family arguments, work conflicts or road rage -- compared to people who showed milder reactions.

In general, hot-headed people have a higher heart attack risk because repeated episodes of anger could affect blood pressure and blood vessel walls, 

Next time you feel your fists clench or your jaw tense up, Try counting to ten or taking deep breaths to calm down.

We all know exercise is good for the heart, but couch potatoes who suddenly jump into vigorous workouts are upping their risk for a heart attack. Doing too much too soon is dangerous, so talk to your doctor before starting any exercise routine. And remember, just because you look healthy on the outside doesn’t mean you’re healthy on the inside: Hypertension and other heart-related conditions often have no symptoms.

Marathoners aren’t off the hook, either. Extreme athletes may push their bodies too hard, bringing on heart problems that otherwise wouldn’t occur, 

This doesn’t mean you have to hang up your sneakers. Just talk to your doctor before signing up for your next race.

Die-hard sports fans, take note:  Getting upset over your team’s loss at the Super Bowl could spell trouble for your heart. In fact, a 2013 study found an increase in heart attacks and cardiovascular deaths days after the Super Bowl in football fans of the losing team. More specifically, there was a 20 to 24% increase in both circulatory and cardiovascular deaths in Boston after the Patriots lost to the Giants in 2008.

Try to remember it’s just a game. And if you’re a heart patient, go easy on the beer, pizza and hot dogs while you cheer on your team.  

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