Tuesday, May 9, 2017

America's Favorite Age? It's 50

An Internet poll asked If you could skip time and live forever in good health at a particular age, what age would you like to live at? The answer aAccording to a Harris interactive, the magic number is 50.

The online poll surveyed a total of 2,252 American adults which included men and women of all ages, all geographical regions, and all political bents. Some had children; some did not. All were picked from a pool of folks who’d agreed to participate in a Harris Interactive survey.

Not surprisingly, younger people chose younger ages. Echo boomers, ages 18 to 36, thought a perfect age was 38. Gen Xers, ages 37 to 48, wanted to stay put at 49. Baby boomers, ages 49 to 67, thought 55 was pretty awesome. While mature adults, ages 68 and older, were happy to hold steady at 67.

On average, men wanted to be younger than women, choosing 47 over the average perfect age for females of 53. Those with kids in the household thought to stay 45 forever would rock; those without children around opted for 53.

It's an Internet poll, not an academic peer-reviewed study. Still, there are plenty of reasons people might call 50 the perfect age, psychologists say.

You have almost every opportunity. You’re young enough to be famous or start an organic farm and still have the muscle tone to work eight hours a day. You’re old enough to have wisdom but young enough that your parents are still alive so you have a generational experience. If you’re tired, you can ask the young man on the bus to get out of his seat for you. Or you can date the young man. 

All of the recent medical – and cosmetic -- developments have also helped to give 50 a facelift.  For a woman, you can stay stylish and fit and maybe get your hair dyed or just do a little [cosmetic] tune-up and feel, ‘Wow, this is great.’ In terms of childbearing, you can basically say forget it or if you want a baby at 50 or 53, you can get your hormones juiced up and go for it.

Research shows that as we age, we tend to be less depressed, less anxious and more optimistic than our juniors. And we also become more comfortable with ourselves and our bodies.

Fifty is also sort of a sweet spot when it comes to grandchildren.

Lots of people don’t have grandchildren by 50 so you’re not necessarily tied down babysitting. Of course, given how slowly young people mature now, you may still be dealing with someone in their 20s who loves living at home.

While a similar survey conducted 10 years ago found 41 to be a perfect age. We can act and feel at 50 now the way people used to at 35, It’s influencing. If you’re lucky enough to have good health and money to take care of yourself, why not incorporate the wisdom and maturity that goes with age?

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