Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Community-based Seniors’ Services Sector in B.C.

I came across this study out of the University of Victoria Institute on Ageing and the research was done by Laura Kadowaki, PhD Student, Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University and Marcy Cohen, Raising the Profile Project. The full report can be found here. The report is part of an initiative by the seniorsraisingtheprofile.ca 

Seniors made up 15.3% of the Canadian population in 2013, and it has been estimated that by the year 2038 approximately 22 to 23% of people living in Canada will be seniors. The population in British Columbia (B.C.) is older than the national average – in 2013, 16.4% of the population were seniors and it is estimated that in 2038, 24 to 27% of B.C.’s population will be seniors (Statistics Canada, 2015a)

Most seniors want to live in their own home and community and “age in place”. Both the Office of the Seniors Advocate and B.C. Ministry of Health have recognized that allowing seniors to age in place is the preferred option for most seniors and an important policy goal for government.

Research shows that lack of social relationships is equivalent to smoking as a risk factor for mortality. When seniors are socially isolated they are at an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, physical inactivity, falling and poor nutrition. Feeling isolated from others can have significant health impacts including sleep disruption, high blood pressure, decreased immunity and increases in the stress hormone cortisol.

Seniors who are caregivers, immigrants, LGBTQ, Indigenous and/or are living alone are at greater risk for social isolation. Providing social support and outreach to isolated seniors are significant priorities of community-based seniors’ services, and can help to foster resilience and well-being for seniors.

The relationship between income and health is well established – the less income you have, the greater chance you will have poorer health. Income also has a strong impact on two other important social determinants of health – housing and food security. Many community-based seniors’ services specifically target low-income seniors and provide food and other programs to support these seniors.

Community-based seniors’ services play a critical role in supporting seniors to age in place by providing a broad range of services that support seniors to remain physically active, socially engaged, and as healthy and independent as possible

Community-based seniors’ services provide seniors with access to a range of low-barrier programs in six core areas:
1. Nutritional support
2. Affordable Housing
3. Health and wellness
4. Physical activity
5. Cultural, educational and recreational programs
6. Information, referral and advocacy
7. Transportation

These programs and services are offered through a range of municipal and non-profit agencies including:
• Senior centres
• Community centres
• Neighbourhood houses
• Community Coalitions
• Ethno-cultural organizations
• Multi-service non-profit societies

Community-based seniors’ services receive funding from a variety of sources including:
• Municipal governments
• Community foundations
• The United Way
• Local businesses/donors
• The federal New Horizons Program
• Community Gaming Grants
• Regional health authorities
• The Ministry of Health

Unlike the dominant disease-centred medical model, comprehensive models of health incorporate broader social determinants of health (e.g., social support, income security) and factors that foster resilience in older adults. Consequently, research has found the medical model is much less elective than comprehensive models of health in predicting which groups of older adults are at greatest health risk.

For example, despite having a significant impact on seniors’ health, factors which put seniors at risk of social isolation, such as poor mental health (loneliness), sensory function (hearing) and mobility, are rarely considered by the medical model.

The recent increased focus on comprehensive models of health is resulting in more visibility and awareness of the health promotion and prevention programming that is offered by the community-based seniors’ services sector. The contributions this programming makes to the health and well-being of older adults can be seen as fundamental to an effective healthcare system

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