Monday, November 27, 2017

Elder-one-stop a great resource for keeping acitive

I have been talking about how being active is good for all of us, especially seniors. I came across a site that will help. The site is called Elder-One-stop and it is a fascinating site full of ideas and stories which are very easy to navigate. One of the site's features which I love is a list of activities by month. 

The site is easy to navigate with the menus on the left which are easy to read. The site was developed out of love and respect by two women who when faced with the task of becoming caregivers for senior parents rose to the challenge and in doing so pooled their resources and ideas and this website grew out of their collaboration. As they say in their about us page. And then decided to share what we knew and learned in this website, covering a wide range of elderly issues. 

There is no universal “recipe” or To-Do list to help our elderly loved ones. Because everybody’s situation is different. But it helps to make a plan. These pages hopefully will offer some insight, tips, and also senior activity ideas and fun.

To encourage you to visit below are a few of the activities listed for November.
Crafts – Make an easy centrepiece or collage for November senior activities, using dried foliage, as seen at the top of our page. Add a peacock feather for fun! For more craft ideas, see our pages on fall crafts for the elderly, which will also point you to a variety of pages.

Another easy idea is to use a simple image from nature as inspiration for a painting or collage.  
Silhouettes are especially simple. In November you can also add a bit of snow. Here are basic ideas to use as designs…

National Family Caregivers Month - It started in 1997 as a commemorative week during the week of Thanksgiving. But now this commemoration has evolved into a month-long acknowledgement. The National Family Caregiver Support Program was set up in the year 2000 to help caregivers who are age 70 and over. It is part of The Older Americans Act of 1965.

A good month to be mindful of those of any age who are caregivers for their family. So plan special November senior activities with them. Some towns, facilities and churches have special services, luncheons and events for caregivers.

American Indian Heritage Month - Learn about the Native American cultures and history in your area, so important to the overall history of the Americas and Thanksgiving. Consider having a tribal member visit and give a presentation. If you'd like to make a fun craft with coloured "Indian corn," see our page about fall crafts for the elderly.

Drum Month – Music is important to have with your November senior activities. Have a visiting musician, including from a school. (I'm sure you'll find a teen who is a good drummer). Talk about different kinds of drums. This is also a good time to have an event in conjunction with American Indian heritage.

Stamp Collecting Month -- Stamp collecting is intriguing for many people, and is also a valuable hobby. Discussions and displays can be enjoyed by those interested. Some in your group may have samples that they are willing to show and share.

Aviation Month – Aviation has been a topic in other months also, and any aviation events are perfect to work into your November senior activities. Another chance to celebrate its history. If there's a museum near you, it may be fascinating to visit. Or find an expert in the field to come and give a presentation. You may even have an expert in your group, or associated with it.

National Model Railroad Month -- This celebration is sponsored primarily by the National Model Railroad Association. For those who are real model train enthusiasts, celebrate it in your November senior activities. There is a great interest in model trains and railroads. Some of your community or members may have been a collector of model trains or memorabilia. Perhaps they even have some items that they can share, a bit like show and tell.

National Pomegranate Month – This exotic fruit even involves Greek mythology about the goddess Persephone and the underworld. The deep ruby jewel-like seeds and juice have many health benefits (but may also interfere with some medications). I love eating the fresh fruit! Also, try it in jam and juices, or sprinkle the seeds on cereal, ice cream, or in yoghurt.

National Novel Writing Month – Has any of your group aspired to write a novel (even a short one)? An excellent project for November senior activities! It’s especially fun if you create a writing group to motivate each other. Some may enjoy dictating into a recorder or into a computer program, with a little assistance at editing. A great legacy for family and friends. And it’s easy and inexpensive to self-publish through Amazon's Kindle, or CreateSpace (for an actual printed book).

1 comment:

  1. I love your choice of activities. It's great! I was a caregiver for 15 years until my husband died recently of Parkinson"s. It made the subject of creative activities for seniors very dear to my heart and almost urgent. So I wrote a book called ART & CREAKY BONES to encourage others to begin painting or writing or dancing or any past time that will help keep them healthier and help them live longer. It's also a great way to make new friends and remain socially active It's a wonderfully satisfying aid to anyone who is lonely. My book received 6 awards for Aging, Inspiration and Art, so it seems that there's a great interest in creative activities that can bring so much joy.
