Saturday, March 10, 2018

A first pet

My grandson just got his first pet, which is a small kitten, whom he calls Poco (The cat is named after the city we live in). So as he is planning to be a pet owner, he must be ready for the long-term cat care. Everything must be planned in order to avoid mistakes.

Poco will be a nice companion for him and his family. But he has to understand the kitten's needs. First, Poco has to eat. But you can't feed your cat (kitten) your leftovers. It is better to look for the best cat food that can give her the energy boost as well as good health you want her to have.

He also has to make sure that the surrounding his cat is living in is free from anything that can cause her accidents. He has to make sure that he does not let anything that is lethal and poisonous hanging about. When it comes to neatness, he has the right pet. Cats are known to take ample time in grooming themselves.

My grandson lives in a rural setting, so watching his kitten for signs of fleas is important. One of the signs can be too much grooming.

And if his cat is going to be an inside cat, and because cats are vain, he must also be tidy with everything. He needs to keep the litter box clean and well maintained. Did you know that the cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than ours? You may not smell a thing but the cat will.

Poco will not do her thing on the provided litter box if it stinks. My grandson may get the surprise of his life to see his cat's poops well hidden under your clean carpet or how about that basket of clean clothes.

I recommend that he doesn't give his cat a reason to stray when it comes to those things. Give her what she wants. And what all cats want is a clean and odour free litter box.

He also has to find a good vet for your cats. My daughter and her family are friends with your local veterinarian. They need to be mindful of the simplest symptoms that your cat may show. Just by observing their pet, they will know if something is wrong. Call the vet immediately and ask their opinion.

My grandson and his family long before they made the decision to welcome a cat into the household, thought everything through over and over again. They did not act on impulse and my grandson had to commit to carrying out his responsibilities of being a pet owner and I look forward to meeting Poco when we next visit.

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