Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Alternatives To Gift Baskets

When searching for the perfect gift for one of your family members or even one of your friends there is usually a whole lot of pressure to buy the right thing simply because you don't want to disappoint anyone. There are times when you just don't know what to buy, and everyone has those experiences as well. Some people choose to take their time when buying gifts while others like myself, try to get it done as quickly as possible. I have, when buying for a person who has everything, bought a gift basket. Gift baskets can be good gifts for multiple reasons, the best one, I think, is that your loved one gets a whole bunch of smaller gifts instead of one.
However, some people may consider gift baskets to be some of the most impersonal gifts they could ever get (even less so than cash!) just because it shows that the person who's buying it doesn't really know him or her at all. Gift baskets can be seen as impersonal but they can be made personal. For example, if you know a person likes sports, for example, you could by a sports memorabilia gift basket or other theme based basket.  But if you don't want to buy a gift basket, here are some ideas to check out that can be used as alternatives to gift baskets:
Board Games
Unless you know the person really well and know that he or she doesn't like the thought of board games, buying a board game usually always is something that plenty of people enjoy. Whether you are buying an older game such as Monopoly or buying one of the latest games on the market there are plenty of options in local stores or online. If you don't want to buy a gift basket then you board games can be used as one alternative to gift baskets!
Gift Cards
Another alternative is a cash card. Buying a cash or gift cards for your friends and family can be a unique thing to do if you know where the recipient likes to shop. These are a perfect alternative to a gift basket. 
Instead of putting your money into one large basket that may contain a bunch of things that your friends and family dislike, placing all of the money that you'd be spending on the individual on a store gift card is a great idea! Of course, you may just want to include a little bit more money on the gift card than you would have actually spent, but buying gift cards is a great present for someone whom you don't know what to buy.
Of course, there are plenty of other perfect gifts that are great ideas and alternatives to gift baskets. 
Finally, gift baskets can be big, and bulky so buying something that is less cumbersome is a good idea!

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