Monday, July 22, 2019

Social Isolation

As more Canadians become seniors, there will be proportionately fewer Canadians of working age. In 2038, there will be about 40 seniors for every 100 adult Canadians (between 18 and 64 years of age)— double the number of seniors in 2013.

Seniors will continue to have a growing role in the labour market and the volunteer sector, which contributes to retaining knowledge and skills in the Canadian workforce, sustaining the economy, and helping community organizations function. In all, the social and economic contributions of seniors will likely be increasingly connected to the success of the entire country.

For seniors to continue and even expand their participation in society they need to remain healthy and engaged in their communities. However, research shows that an estimated 30 percent of Canadian seniors are at risk of becoming socially isolated. According to the International Federation on Ageing, “the number one emerging issue facing seniors in Canada is keeping older people socially connected and active.”

Social isolation and exclusion are related to serious negative health effects and reduced quality of life for seniors. Social isolation is also linked to the undervaluing of seniors in our society and the loss of seniors from the volunteer sector and the paid economy. The National Seniors Council also asserts that the social isolation of seniors can cause communities to suffer from a lack of social unity, higher social costs, and the loss of the wealth of experience that seniors bring to our families, neighbourhoods and communities

Not all socially isolated seniors suffer negative consequences from social isolation. For example, some seniors may prefer to be alone and do not experience loneliness. On the other hand, because loneliness is a subjective experience, some socially active seniors may feel lonely. Whether or not people consider themselves socially isolated is a very personal and sensitive matter.

Social isolation is different from the feeling of loneliness, though the two are often related. “Loneliness is the distress that results from discrepancies between ideal and perceived social relationships.” This discrepancy perspective makes it clear that loneliness is not synonymous with being alone, nor does being with others guarantee protection from feelings of loneliness. Social isolation can generally be recognized by others observing a person’s relationships, while loneliness is a personal experience.

Social isolation among seniors can be a result of several factors. Many seniors experience physical changes (such as sickness or disability) and life changes (such as the loss of a spouse), which can reduce the number of social contacts and limit activities. Social and environmental factors, such as poverty and inadequate transportation, may also increase a senior’s chance of becoming socially isolated.

Social isolation can result from major events or from a combination of small events. How much these incidents affect people depends on the economic, personal, material and social resources that they have available to help them cope. Seniors can draw on their life experience in managing difficult times to help them with the challenges of ageing. However, too many changes, especially one after another, can make it difficult to cope.
About 30 percent of Canadian seniors are at risk of becoming socially isolated. Reports by Statistics Canada estimate that 19 percent of Canadians over age 65 feel isolated from others and 24 percent wish they could participate in more social activities.
The National Seniors Council’s Report on the Social Isolation of Seniors 2013–2014 states that the following factors may place seniors at risk of social isolation and loneliness:
·                   living alone
·                   being age 80 or older;
·                   having compromised health status
·                   having multiple chronic health problems
·                   having no children or contact with family
·                   lacking access to transportation
·                   living with low income
·                   changing family structures
·                   being left behind by younger people migrating for work
·                   location of residence
·                   experiencing critical life transitions such as retirement,             the death of a spouse, or losing a driver’s license
·                   lacking awareness of or access to community services           and programs
·                   being a caregiver

Having a lower level of education and being born outside of Canada are also identified as risk factors for seniors’ social isolation

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