Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Guide to Stay Connected – Part 1

You can learn to use Skype, Facebook, Messenger, YouTube, Pinterest and your iPad. This post and the next four provides links to some training videos that are easy to follow and not intimidating.

Over the next four posts, I will be looking at resources for seniors to help them use social media in the time of this pandemic and beyond. Today’s unprecedented situation has caused us to self-isolate and that can be stressful and deadly for seniors. To battle that stress and loneliness seniors can turn to social media, but many are hesitant or reluctant to do so. Some potential reasons why include we:
1.     Don’t see a need to use the tools or we see it as a waste time
2.     Don’t know how to use the tools and the directions are difficult to follow
3.     Have concerns about safety and security online
4.     Medical conditions that prevent us from easily using computers etc.
5.     Don't like how they look in pictures or videos.

During this time when we cannot see our families the way we used to, social media provides opportunities for us to stay in contact with loved ones. That ability to virtually connect with your son, granddaughter, sister or favourite cousin should be enough to overcome those reasons listed above.

Though there are a lot of instructional videos out there that appear or claim to teach seniors how to use social media to beginners and seniors, many are just not that good or are very confusing, in fact, some of them are terrible. The good news is that I have put together four sets of videos that are good and easy to understand. Members of The Wilson Senior Center Advisory Board and Seniors Health and Wellness Institute Cosco reviewed the videos, agreed that these are worth watching if a senior wants to learn social media. Each of us has his/her own learning style and so we are posting information about all four series to allow those who learn differently to have some options.

In the following free videos, seniors can learn how to use social media in the comfort of their own home while watching TV or while using their computer, tablet, iPad or even iPhone. The videos are geared to those seniors who may not be tech-savvy. These videos are simple, easy to follow, and if you miss a step or have a question you can watch them again.

If a senior has an Internet connection and a computer or a TV provider that allows access to YouTube as one of its channels, they can learn to use social media. For help on setting up YouTube on your TV go to Watch YouTube TV on your TV or call your service provider for support. If you do have access to a tablet,  cellphone, or a computer with an internet connection you can gain access to the videos are on YouTube  or, as stated above videos can be watched on your TV.

This series is a set of videos along with written instructions about some of the most used social media tools by seniors.

To connect to this series go to or to connect to the individual courses in the series click on the links below:

SKYPE Course for Beginners (Seniors & Baby Boomers) 

FACEBOOK Course for Beginners (Seniors & Baby Boomers)

FACEBOOK Settings & Privacy (Seniors & Baby Boomers)
*No written instructions

FACEBOOK Messenger for Beginners (Seniors & Baby Boomers)

YOUTUBE Course for Beginners (Seniors & Baby Boomers)

IPAD Course for Beginners (Seniors & Baby Boomers)

PINTEREST Course for Beginners (Seniors & Baby Boomers)
How to Block Someone on Pinterest

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