Saturday, October 31, 2020

How many eggs do I have?

 A slightly different Halloween post.

I sometimes play games on Facebook even though I realize that they are used by Trolls to gather information. My cousin Becky put a puzzle on and I read it and responded with my answer, but I was wrong.  Here is her puzzle, I suspect none of you will get it wrong.

Read carefully and slowly: it's a brain exercise!!

If I had 4 eggs🥚🥚🥚🥚

A thief gives me 3🥚🥚🥚

My farm rooster lays 5 eggs🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚

How many eggs do I have? 🤔

 I went back and re-read the puzzle and realized the mistake I had made.  When I posted the correct answer, she said to me, I was surprised when you got it wrong”. I replied, “You taught me a good lesson.”

No matter how smart we think we are there is always far more going on that we are yet to see, Even now. S when I am feeling bored or lonely again, I look a little closer.

When my grandson came over, we sometimes played the game “Where's Waldo?” I find that this game is an exceptionally good game in stretching one’s mind.  I find it easy sometimes but other times I find it awfully hard. As we get older playing games is a good way to keep our mind focused. When I got my new phone, I started to play solitaire and have about a 75%-win rate, but I started with the easy games and have moved to the medium-hard games. One day I will move to the more difficult games. What do you do to keep your mind active and young? Besides playing games and writing, I listen to many different types of music and I also physically keep active by playing golf and walking.  By the way, you may have noticed I have not given the answer to the puzzle. If you comment with an answer, I will tell you if you are right or wrong. Have fun.


  1. 7 eggs, roosters don't lay eggs

  2. Hi Helen, you did what I did and got the same wrong answer I did.
