Sunday, November 15, 2020

What do you do to exercise?

What do you do to exercise? I used to be a long-distance runner.  When I was running I became lost in my own world, listening to my breathing, feeling the rhythm of my feet as they touched the ground, and listening to the music and poetry that my subconscious mind created. When I ran, I knew I was alive and well; with each race I completed I felt good. Today I still know that I can maintain my health but not through running, due to my arthritis. But I can still walk. We all need to move, and we know it and we need to make time for it daily or weekly. Once exercise and movement become a habit it will be hard to break. What works for you?

I don’t have a FitBit, but I have a new phone that has an app that keeps track of my steps and calories burned. If you have even a bit of a competitive streak, try a FitBit, or another step counter. I have had my phone for less than six months and have used it every day. I find it really works, and I no longer have a real competitive streak.

On my phone, I can see the graph of my weeks' steps, see how many steps I average a day. The phone actually motivates me to move more, although I rarely reach 10,000 steps a day I usually reach my goal of 5,000 steps and reach at least 10,000 steps once or twice a week

I asked some friends of mine to find out what they did and here are some of the response I received

“I get outside for an early walk each day.  45-60 minutes.”

“I go for a bike ride with my son.  Or walk again in the evenings.”

“I've started lifting weights now. Just dumbbells, nothing fancy”.

“When I exercise I use my stationary bike and basement treadmill.”

“For years I've been walking daily while listening with headphones to books on my iPhone.  I try to walk up hills and to walk for at least 75-90 minutes to get enough exercise”

What do you do?

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