Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Quit Smoking Action Plan

First a qualifier, I am not a smoker, never have been one. I have many friends who are and I have watched them try to quit many times in the past. The most effective quitters are the ones who have a quit-smoking plan. Yes, there is such a thing as a quit-smoking action plan. In fact, I have seen this one work for countless friends. Here's how it works.

Step One - Set A Quit Date

The first, and possibly most important, part of your quit smoking action plan is to set a quit date. This is important because it helps you to get your mindset on quitting before it actually happens. Your set quit date doesn't have to be tomorrow or even next week; in fact, it's actually best if you set your quit date about three weeks in advance. This will give you the opportunity to follow step two in your quit-smoking action plan.

Step Two - Start From Within

The second step in your quit-smoking action plan is, now that you've got your quit date in mind, you need to get your body ready to handle the effects of quitting. Since smoking affects your overall health, it only stands to reason that you should treat your entire body when it comes time to quit. This is best accomplished by beginning a regimen of multi-vitamins and herbal supplements to help strengthen your immune system; and by changing your diet to reflect a more organic lifestyle. Be sure to include plenty of fruits and veggies in your quit-smoking action plan, as they will help to flush the toxins from your system.

Step Three - Get Help
The third step in your quit-smoking action plan needs to be to join a support group for people trying to quit smoking about a week before your scheduled quit date. This will allow you to bond with some new friends prior to your actual quit date; and will give you a better foundation for the day when you actually put down those cigarettes for good.

Step Four - "D" Day, No More Smoking!

When the scheduled quit date for your quit-smoking action plan comes around, make sure that all tobacco products and paraphernalia have been removed from your home the night before. This will help to eliminate temptation and help you to stick to your quit-smoking action plan. Start every day with a tall glass of orange or grapefruit juice, and be sure to include plenty of water in your daily routine so as to flush the toxins and leftover nicotine from your system even faster. Drinking orange juice as a part of your quit smoking action plan has also been shown to reduce nicotine cravings by more than 50%!

Whether you're going cold turkey or have designed a plan to quit, you're likely to run across feelings of irritability, being tired, and cravings. Here are some tips to help you survive:

Understand that being irritable, tired, or out of sorts is to be expected.

Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day.

Do something physical, such as going for a swim or taking a walk, to keep your mind active and off your cravings.

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