Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Radio Stations all over the World

When I was growing up, I had this old transistor radio and every night I would try to get stations from as far away as I could. I remember betting a radio station from California, which was over 1,000 miles away, on a clear night in August. That was a thrill. 

I don’t know about you, but I still listen to the radio at night. I use the Radio Canada App to get some interesting stations from Ontario and Alberta. But I find this site incredible! When you click on the link below you will open a Google Earth map. The green dots on the map represent radio stations. Move the cursor over any of the dots and you will immediately hear that station with very good reception. Zoom in or out to determine where you are--which country or which city. Any of you who are multilingual will enjoy this…listen to stations in Europe, Asia, Australia, or wherever. Listen to music from Ireland playing Irish pub music or any type you want. Here is the link:

Memories of the 1950s for those of us who were born in the ’40s and early 50’s this is a wonderfully nostalgic, but unrealistic look back at the 1950s/ This is over 7 minutes long but, considering we are somewhat trapped indoors this year anyway, why not sit back, listen, watch, and reminisce about days gone by? Rotary telephones! Mercurochrome! Fun with Dick & Jane books. Brylcreem. Turquoise or Pink Bathroom fixtures. Bonanza. 24” B & W TVs. Hula-hoops. Drive-in movies. Click here for memories:

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