Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Self Care 3

 Practise Self-Care

We are in difficult times and although we are moving slowly into a time where we can take more steps to look after ourselves, we still need to be aware of our physical condition and how well we cope with our new reality.

The following is adapted from an article written by Charlotte Bailey, who is a Content at LifeWorks.

Here are the final ideas of how you can incorporate self-care into your daily routine.


1.  Learn to cook or try to re-create your favourite takeout order or meal at a restaurant.

2.  Find healthy foods that you like. This way you can eat things that are good for you and feel like a treat.

3.  Start a tea ritual. Pick a type of tea that relaxes you and make an appointment with yourself each day to make and drink it.

4.  Bake a dessert from scratch. If you have more portions than you can stomach, bring them to a friend or neighbour as a treat!

5.  Stock your refrigerator with healthy snacks and vegetables, so you’re not tempted to eat unhealthy foods when you’re hungry.

 Friends and family

1.  Reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken with for a long time.

2.  Organize a virtual group game night. You might try a pub quiz.

3.  If you’re feeling lonely, make a list of all the people you’re grateful you have in your life.

4.  When someone says something nice about you, write it down in a notebook. You’ll be able to revisit the compliments as the page fills up.

5.  Find something nice to say about your friends and tell them.

Do something for “Future You”

1.  Do that task you’ve been dreading. Think of it as ticking off a long-standing to-do item.

2.  Consider planting an herb garden.

3.  Take care of your teeth, by brushing and flossing twice a day. Dental work later in life can be painful and expensive!

4.  Clear out the clutter, no one wants your old stuff, so toss or donate old clothes, books, or other things that are cluttering your space and mind.

5.  Start a “Fun Fund.” Every payday, put aside a small amount (ie. $5.00, $10.00 or even $25) towards an indulgent treat or a goal that you have.

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