Friday, April 16, 2021

Scrooge changed, can you?

Retired or thinking of it than planning is a key to a successful retirement. If you are retiring it means you have been working, and for many, we carry around an equation that says, my job or my ability at my job is equivalent to my worth. This is not true; your worth derives from your human qualities of kindness and thoughtfulness and your vulnerabilities.

One of the first steps to take when planning your retirement is to free yourself of the equation and look at your worth as it saw based on your kindness, thoughtfulness, and vulnerabilities.

No matter how deep-rooted these experiences and feelings are, you can free yourselves from thinking that you are not enough. This may take a while to happen so you should be patient.

Remember when you are retired time is yours and the schedule of what you do is yours. So, do what makes you, not others, happy.

Here is a way to start, think about the last time you did something not because it’s going to show up on your resume, but just because you enjoyed it? Remember that activity and the feeling you had of being in the flow of doing what you love.

Recognize that you have value, you are not defined by your skills or your job. In retirement, your goal should be to go out and achieve much. You have the time to do what is important to you and when you do, you are going to do your best.

When you meet someone new and you are retired, some of us find it awkward, (especially those who are newly retired) to know what to say. Here is a hint if you are asked what you do, share something that you cherish about yourself; try to break interpersonal ground with them and not start with labels.

You are retired and should not be looking to compete with others. So, when your friends, family and neighbours have success, respond with love and acceptance to the successes and respond with support when they fail.

Remember that a person is not a product and we need a culture that delineates the two and helps us see that one does not define the other.

Wouldn’t you like the most important people in your life — young or old — to feel like they are enough? By appreciating them and showing that your care for them is unconditional, you can create change that will ripple outwards and by doing this you are building a legacy that will be remembered. Remember even Scrooge became a changed man overnight and you can change as well.

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