Monday, November 15, 2021

Some humour for mid November

Lately, there has been talk about inventing some more fun games for seniors. After all, we're the ones with all the free time! Some suggestions:

Sag, You’re it.

Pin the Toupee on the Bald Guy.

Questions Shouted into your Good Ear.

Kick the Bucket.

Red Rover, Red Rover,

The Nurse Says Bend Over.

Doc, Doc Goose.

Simon Says Something Incoherent.

Hide and Go Pee

Spin the Bottle of Mylanta

and last but not least –

A Fun round of Musical Recliners!

Little Johnny lives on a farm with his family.

One evening the family notices that one of the donkeys had managed to get out of the stables.

Johnny’s dad tries to lead the donkey back into the stables, but the stubborn animal will not budge.

Johnny’s mom tries to coax the donkey with carrots and hay,

but the donkey just ignores the food.

Seeing his parents becoming increasingly agitated at the stubborn animal,

Johnny offers to try and get the donkey back into the stables.

He quickly fetches a pail of water from the trough and proceeds to dump it over the donkey’s head.

Both of his parents stare in awe as the donkey calmly saunters back into the stables and gently closes the door behind itself.

Still, in disbelief at what he just saw, Johnny’s father asks Johnny,

“Son, how did you know to do that?”

Johnny replies,

“I was walking past y’alls bedroom last night when I overheard ma telling you,

‘If you wet the head first, it’ll go right in.’”

The Ghostly Advice

When I was about 7 years old, I accompanied my father to the funeral of a co-worker of his, someone I didn't even know.

When we got there, I stood in a corner waiting for the time to pass. A bitter-looking man approached me and said, "Enjoy life kid, enjoy it because time flies. Look at me now, I didn't enjoy it."

Then he passed his hand over my head and left. My father, before leaving took me with him to pay honours to his friend. When I looked in the coffin, I was horrified to see that the man in the coffin was the same man who had spoken to me!!

I was so traumatized I couldn't sleep properly. I had terrible nightmares. I was terrified of being alone. I saw many psychologists, endured much turmoil throughout my adolescent years.

It got better as I aged, but I would still occasionally wake up screaming in fear. It was many years later when I discovered something remarkable that completely changed my life. That bastard had a twin.



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