Sunday, March 6, 2022

Getting Up a Good Head of Steam

When you were thinking about the life, you would live as a senior, you may have held that idea of sitting on a rocking chair and watching the world go by. That silly idea seems like an ideal situation for people in their golden years by people who did not have active imaginations.

But what is ideal for you from a quality of life point of view is to be active and not to see retirement as a time to stop moving. In fact, there are plenty of good reasons that you should get out and walk every day. If you make it as much a part of your daily routine as your morning coffee, there are lots of significant benefits.

Of course, I have already talked about the benefits of walking for your health. Walking will keep your blood flowing, improve your circulation, do your appetite a world of good and keep your joints and muscles limber and exercised.

What that means is that the more you walk, the longer you will walk. So if you see other seniors around your neighbourhood or in your retirement apartment moving about in wheelchairs or walkers and you don’t like that prospect for yourself, then get out of that chair and get out there and walk.

There are many benefits that making walking part of your lifestyle can bring your way that has nothing to do with health. Getting some fresh air has more wisdom to it than you know. For good solid decision making, there is nothing better than a brisk walk with all the oxygen it will give to your brain.

You should make it a policy never to decide late at night, after a few drinks or when you are upset if you have not gotten out of your home for a few days. Hold major decisions for the walking trail. If you have good blood flow and your breathing is up, giving you good oxygen to your thinking apparatus, you will be at your mental peak to make moral decisions.

There are also social benefits of walking. If you are single, to put it bluntly, walking is a great place to meet members of the different sex. And if you want to meet that gal that has the spunk you have or that great guy who wants to live life to its fullest, you are going to meet those people out walking and staying active. It sounds strange to say so, but the walking trails where seniors go the most are great “pick up” spots simply because it is so easy to join someone interesting on a walk and get to know them in a non-threatening manner.

Use some creativity in where you walk and when. You can work a pleasant walk in with an errand or to see a part of the city you always wanted to explore. If you can still drive, get to know the many walking trails in town and become a regular there.

But more than that, you will get a big kick out of walking every day. The endorphins from this exercise are a great high. And that walk can be great fun and a time to meet new friends and have some interesting adventures as well.  

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