Saturday, June 11, 2022

Difference between Canadian Boomers and American Boomerss

Americans and Canadians may share a common language, but we are different, and this may be because of our historical differences and what we believe are the most notable historical events that shaped us.

In the United States, many of the historical experiences cited by Baby Boomers were related to war and violent acts. For instance, Boomers in the United States identified two assassinations on their list—John F. Kennedy’s in 1963, and Martin Luther King’s in 1968. 

In Canada we named assassinations but they were lower on our list. In Canada, Sept 11 was not one of our top ten, nor was the tech revolution, the Fall of the Berlin wall, or the Iraq/Afghanistan war. The Americans did not include in their top ten, the Cuban missile crisis, the cold war, Woodstock and free love, Television and not surprisingly the Quebec Crisis and Bill 101.

Most Impactful Historic Events, Boomers (US Boomers) in order of importance

·        Sept. 11

·        JFK Assassination *

·        Vietnam War *

·        Obama election

·        Moon landing *

·        The tech revolution

·        Civil rights movement *

·        Fall of Berlin Wall/end of Cold War

·        MLK assassination *

·        Iraq/Afghanistan war

Most Impactful Historic Events Boomers (Canada Boomers) in order of importance

·        Civil Rights Movement  *

·        Cuban Missile Crisis

·        Assassination of JFK & Martin Luther King *

·        Vietnam War *

·        The Cold War

·        Neil Armstrong's moon landing *

·        Woodstock – Free Love

·        Television

·        Quebec Crisis and Bill 101

Based on the experience of life-defining events, each country developed attitudes and values that influence its identity and mindset. These attitudes and values impact workplace performance by influencing motivation, loyalty and teamwork. “Coming of age during key socio-historical event still influences how each country reacts and responds in the workplace – and subsequently, why they sometimes why we don’t understand one another”

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