Monday, October 31, 2022

Trick or Treat

 Over the years we have had many fun evenings going out with the children trick or treating.  Now our children are grown and our only grandchild lives in  Australia so no more going out with the children. We now decorate the house with spooky ghosts and jack-o-lanterns and fill the candy bowl with treats and welcome the children of the neighbourhood. The little ones are the most fun because they are not sure what is going on. Their parents dress them in strange clothes and take them out after dark, which is unusual and then take them to strangers' doors. Once at the door they yell "Trick or Treat", ring the bell or knock. They do not know what to expect. The stranger opens the door and gives them a treat. It is a joy to see their eyes light up with surprise and wonder. A few just stand there waiting until mom or dad, says we need to go and say thank you. They say or mumble thank you and go with mom or dad or sometimes both.

I enjoy all of the children that come to my house, although over the years the numbers have fluctuated from a high of 75 to a low of 30. I know that many of you receive more than I do, and some of you get less, but whatever the number, the fun is in the costumes and the spirit of fun that the evening brings.  I came across the following and leave it with you as a reminder to be gentle and kind this Halloween.

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