Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A check-engine light for your brain part 3

However, when the criteria in the first post of this topic are applied to the software in my second post you will see that there is not one single software program that meets all the requirements. So, until the innovators come up with one device that meets all of their criteria, here is a combination of tools and approaches that can collectively address most but not all of their criteria:

BrainHQ ( ): BrainHQ offers cognitive training exercises and assessments. While it doesn't provide a single "cognition score," it offers various tests targeting different cognitive domains. Users can track their performance on these tests over time and receive feedback on their progress. The assessments cover multiple aspects of cognition, including memory, attention, and reasoning.

Cogstate ( ): Cogstate provides digital cognitive assessments used in clinical trials. Although it doesn't have a specific user-facing interface for tracking individual progress, it offers validated tests that cover multiple cognitive domains. These tests can be administered periodically to assess changes in cognitive performance.

AlzBetter ( ): AlzBetter is a caregiver-focused platform that allows family members or caregivers to track and monitor an individual's cognition. While it doesn't provide a direct cognition score, it facilitates tracking cognitive changes over time through customizable assessments and data input from family members. It also offers educational resources for understanding and interpreting the results.

By utilizing a combination of these tools, seniors and their families can have a more comprehensive approach to tracking cognitive function and monitoring changes over time. These tools can serve as supportive measures but should not replace proper medical evaluation.

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