Thursday, November 9, 2023

Night owl or early riser?

 When I first started working, I was a night owl, and found it hard to get up and be at work at 8:00 AM and being productive by 8:30 AM. So, over a period of time I shifted to become more of an early riser than a night owl.

I did find out that being an early riser, or a night owl comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some benefits of being an early riser compared to being a night owl:

Early risers often experience higher levels of productivity in the morning when their minds are fresh and focused. They can tackle important tasks and make progress on their goals before distractions arise.

Early risers tend to align more easily with typical work and school schedules. This can lead to improved performance, better attendance, and fewer difficulties in meeting obligations.

Studies have shown that early risers are more likely to experience positive emotions, have lower levels of stress and depression, and exhibit greater overall well-being. The consistent routine and peacefulness of the early morning hours can contribute to better mental health.

Healthier lifestyle choices: Early risers often have more time in the morning to engage in physical exercise, prepare a nutritious breakfast, and establish healthy habits. This can result in better physical fitness, improved dietary choices, and a reduced risk of chronic health conditions.

Waking up early provides individuals with additional hours in the day, allowing for better time management and the ability to accomplish more tasks. Early risers tend to have a greater sense of control over their schedules and can allocate time for personal growth and self-care.

The quiet early morning hours offer a peaceful and uninterrupted environment for personal reflection, meditation, or engaging in creative pursuits. This solitude can foster self-awareness, clarity of thought, and a sense of calm.

Early risers often establish consistent sleep patterns by going to bed early, which promotes better sleep hygiene. Quality sleep is essential for overall health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being.

It's important to note that these benefits vary from person to person, as everyone has their own unique circadian rhythms and preferences. I thought I thrived as a night owl. I still experience increased creativity and productivity during late-night hours. I can and do work productively in the morning, so I think the key is to find a routine that aligns with your natural tendencies while ensuring you get sufficient sleep and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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