Sunday, July 28, 2024

Budget Travel: Is Hostelling Right for You?

Hostelling was once thought of as the exclusive province of college kids traveling through Europe for the first time. However, hostelling has grown to include all ages and all types of people. When traveling on a budget, staying at a hostel can be a great experience for the traveler with a sense of adventure.

Of course, hostel travel is not for everyone, and some travelers would rather spend extra money for solo accommodations. In general, hostel traveling is best suited to solo travelers or groups of young people traveling together. Hostel stays are generally not recommended for families traveling with young children, and many hostels do not accept children under a certain age.

Most hostels are set up as dormitory-style rooms, with a number of bunk beds arranged throughout the room. The number of bunk beds in a single room varies, with the average being from four to ten bunks per room. Each traveler is assigned a specific bunk upon check-in.

Almost all hostels in the United States divide their accommodations according to gender, with female guests in one block of rooms and male guests in another. In multi-floor hostels, each gender is often assigned a specific floor or group of floors.

In many European locations and elsewhere around the world, however, many hostel rooms have mixed genders sharing a room. If this is a concern, be sure to ask about it. As a woman traveling alone, I have personally never encountered a problem with these arrangements, and I have stayed in hostels throughout Europe, including Rome, London, and Amsterdam. Some visitors, however, are surprised at these arrangements.

The bathroom accommodations at hostels vary as well, with some rooms containing a shared bathroom and shower, while other hostels have shower and bathroom facilities located in the hallway. If this is an important consideration, you should make sure to ask about bathroom facilities when making the reservation.

Reservations are becoming increasingly important at hostels, especially during the summer months in popular locations. Where once it was common for travelers simply to drop by the hostel and get a bed, it is now not at all unusual for hostels in popular tourist destinations to be booked solid for months.

The main appeal of staying at hostels, of course, is the price. The nightly rate for a hostel rarely rises above $25 or $30 per night, with most hostel accommodations costing far less. With the average hotel room hovering around $100 to $150 in many locations, it is easy to see why hostels are becoming so popular.

In addition, the staff at most hostels are extremely accommodating and knowledgeable about the local area. Unlike many staff members of some luxury hotels, who travel in from the suburbs and rarely see the city in which they live, hostel staff tend to live in their city and have an intimate knowledge of the local attractions, including which attractions are can’t miss and which ones are a waste of money.

Hostels often have access to discounts and coupons for local area attractions and restaurants, and they can provide valuable information on the best, lowest-priced restaurants in the area.

While staying at a hostel is not for everyone, and the local hostel will never be mistaken for a Ritz Carlton, hostels can be wonderful budget accommodations for the budget-minded traveler. After all, the goal of travel is to get out and see the world, and hostel travel lets you spend your limited travel dollars doing just that.

Current Apps and Programs for Hostelling

Whether you're a young traveler or a senior, there are numerous apps and programs available to help you find and book hostels.

  1. Hostelworld: One of the most popular apps for booking hostels around the world. It provides detailed descriptions, reviews, and ratings of hostels, making it easier to choose the right one for your needs. You can download it from Hostelworld's website.
  2. While known for hotels, also lists hostels and other budget accommodations. It offers a wide range of options and often has special deals. Visit for more information.
  3. HI Hostels: Hostelling International (HI) is a network of hostels in over 80 countries. Their app and website offer detailed information about their hostels, along with membership benefits that can save you money. Check out
  4. HI Hostels.
  5. Couchsurfing: While not a hostel app per se, Couchsurfing is a community that connects travelers with locals who offer free accommodation. It's a great way to meet people and experience local culture. Learn more at Couchsurfing.
  6. This is a comprehensive hostel search engine that compares prices from multiple booking websites. It can help you find the best deal on your hostel stay. Visit
  7. Hostelling International App: Available for both iOS and Android, this app allows you to search for and book hostels within the Hostelling International network. It also provides information on hostel amenities and local attractions. Visit 

With these resources, both young travelers and seniors can easily find and book budget-friendly accommodations that suit their travel needs and preferences. Happy travels!

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