Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Winter Chores

As we get older, we have to take more care and be alert to things that may cause us harm. 

We are moving into Winter, it snowed this week end in part of Alberta, and we should be aware that colder temps, along with high winds, snow and rain, can increase your heart attack risk. 

That’s because your heart has to work overtime when you move from the warm indoors to the cold outside. 

For winter chores, be sure to bundle up in warm, light layers. And consider passing off hefty snow-shoveling duties to your teenage neighbor. 

Shoveling snow … is considered a fairly arduous physical activity. For someone who’s unfit, that can mean trouble for their heart.

If you do end up working outside, listen to your body and take plenty of breaks.  

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving Day to my friends in Canada

Thanksgiving Day in Canada has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957. It is a chance for people to give thanks for a good harvest and other fortunes in the past year.

Thanksgiving Day in Canada is linked to the European tradition of harvest festivals.

Many people have a day off work on the second Monday of October. They often use the three-day Thanksgiving weekend to visit family or friends who live far away, or to receive them in their own homes. Many people also prepare a special meal to eat at some point during the long weekend. Traditionally, this included roast turkey and seasonal produce, such as pumpkin, corn ears and pecan nuts. Now, the meal may consist of other foods, particularly if the family is of non-European descent.

The Thanksgiving weekend is also a popular time to take a short autumn vacation. This may be the last chance in a while for some people to use cottages or holiday homes before winter sets in. Other popular activities include outdoor breaks to admire the spectacular colors of the Canadian autumn, hiking, and fishing. Fans of the teams in the Canadian Football League may spend part of the weekend watching the Thanksgiving Day Classic matches.

In the US  Thanksgiving is celebrated on November 24th this year, Thanksgiving Day has been an annual holiday in the United States since 1863. Not everyone sees Thanksgiving Day as a cause for celebration. Each year since 1970, a group of Native Americans and their supporters have staged a protest for a National Day of Mourning at Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts on Thanksgiving Day. American Indian Heritage Day is also observed at this time of the year.

There are claims that the first Thanksgiving Day was held in the city of El Paso, Texas in 1598. Another early event was held in 1619 in the Virginia Colony. Many people trace the origins of the modern Thanksgiving Day to the harvest celebration that the Pilgrims held in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. 

However, their first true thanksgiving was in 1623, when they gave thanks for rain that ended a drought. These early thanksgivings took the form of a special church service, rather than a feast.

In the second half of the 1600s, thanksgivings after the harvest became more common and started to become annual events. However, it was celebrated on different days in different communities and in some places there were more than one thanksgiving each year. 

George Washington, the first president of the United States, proclaimed the first national Thanksgiving Day in 1789.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

What if it takes longer?

So what if it takes a long time? 

So what if it's already taken longer than you thought? 

So what if it will still take longer? 

The day will nevertheless arrive, as it always does, when all your prior efforts, determination, and persistence will seem a paltry price indeed as you are lifted irrevocably higher, as if by chariots of fire, into realms previously unimagined, and then you'll think to yourself, "Wow, that was fast." 

I can hear the music now. The question is can you?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Did you ever get good news?

If, once upon a time in your life,  suddenly and without warning, an event, a person, or some unexpected good news changed everything for the better, it can only mean one thing... 

Chances are astronomically high that it will happen again. 

I'm just sayin' -