Friday, April 19, 2024

To the love of my life, lets dance.

 In the poetry of life, the dance unfolds,

A burning violin, a tale to be told.

Dance me to your beauty, an enchanting embrace,

In the rhythm of kindness, a harmonious grace.


Through the panic of life, let kindness guide,

A dance that soothes, like a tranquil tide.

Gather me safely in your compassionate arms,

In the dance of empathy, where kindness warms.


Lift me as an olive branch, a symbol of peace,

In the dance of benevolence, worries cease.

Be my homeward dove, soaring above,

In the dance of generosity, boundless love.


To the end of love, let the dance extend,

A timeless waltz, a bond that won't bend.

In the ballroom of life, with stars above,

Witness the dance of kindness, a dance of love.


The burning violin plays a melody sweet,

In the dance of compassion, two hearts beat.

As kindness leads, in steps so light,

Dancing to the end of love, through the night.


So, let the dance continue, an eternal spin,

In the poetry of kindness, where spirits begin.

Dance me through the chapters, hand in glove,

A dance of kindness, a dance of endless love.

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