Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who will stand up for the dreamers?

Listening to Those were the days by Mary Hopkins reminded me that me that although we are older but some of us (including me) are no wiser and perhaps that is a good thing. We may have yet time to fulfill not just the opportunities of youth, but the promises we mad to ourselves in our youth.

I believe that we have an obligation as Boomers to stand up and be counted. On my walks I used to see a graffiti sign that said, "I wish I could be the hero I thought I would be when I was ten!"

Who will stand up for the dreamers the poor, the music unsung?
These frail words   stand in the context of  LOVE 
piercing through the Frail curtain of humanity's weight.

Illusory shadows of live have
hidden our soul
and we need to
stop our insane dance of consumption
and act and fight

under starry, starry skies and star-lit candles
Will we again stand up
for the Dreamers
the eccentric wheelers
for silences unsaid
for the words unheard

At one point in my life I believed that we all had the same ability to  grasp the opportunities that came along, I did not realize that was not true. Opportunities are always there, but because of many factors in our life we build a way of seeing the world that does not allow some of us to see these opportunities, or does not allow us to act on the opportunities that come along.

Those of us who were lucky seized some opportunities, ignored others; either way we continued to live our life's and engage with the world and for the most part we were successful or as successful as our view of life allowed us to be

However, when we were young we made promises to ourselves, and my hope is that as we get older, we remember and act on those promises.  Maybe in our 60's we have one more chance to be that hero/heroine once more.


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