Friday, November 2, 2012

List of dream ideas

I have not been able to walk or do much physical activity because of my knee and hip. The time I know have to think and read is wonderful, but I am looking forward to having my knee replaced in Feb and my hip done next Sept or Oct. In the meantime, I have been searching for ideas to do while I am not able to get around as much as I did before and I came across this list. 

So think of each point below as a prompt to help you consider what to do if you choose to retire full  time. If you don't like the list create  your own version. See what emerges and send me your ideas as I want to keep busy.
1.            Write your life story to better understand your values
2.            Work towards making peace with family members
3.            Time to deal with your fears
4.            Examine your soul or a piece of it at least
5.            Finish your novel or begin it and then finish it
6.            Study Romanian as part of a process of getting to know your ancestors
7.            Become aware of the need for open space and work to get open space preserved in your town
8.            Organize a family reunion
9.            Develop a poetry writing program
10.         Get people talking about domestic violence by using movies as conversation starters
11.         Use the design and painting of public murals as a community building process
12.         Make peace with your siblings
13.         Become more of an expert on film history and see where it takes you
14.         Run for city council/school trustee or some other public office
15.         Awaken your town to the need for clean energy
16.         Teach new parents parenting skills
17.         Study web design and blogging and teach others how to get their voices heard
18.         Learn video techniques and create a video blog about the good things happening in town
19.         Build community cohesion by sponsoring community gardens
20.         Spread your love of good writing into the souls of others
21.         Joining others to open an organic fast food restaurant
22.         Join a movement to promote light rail transportation
23.         Make an ongoing study of socially responsible projects and post them online for others to consider pursuing
24.         Make a study of Ulysses aiming to understand at least 40% of it
25.         Work on your life lists (birds, movies, books, songs, etc.) and teach from them
26.         Teach life story and political theatre techniques to others.
27.         To travel to more places--and to be prepared as much as possible\
28.         Hold organizational meetings on co-housing and other models for cooperative living and working
29.         Work further afield:
30.         Study folk healing and write about it
31.         Mobilize support for better treatment of veterans
32.         Produce a movie on cross-cultural attitudes towards death, dying and grieving
33.         Work to develop measures for evaluating corporate responsibility
34.         Join a health team to reduce the spread of preventable illness.
35.         To look beyond the obvious
36.         Teach conflict resolution techniques
37.         Question all paradigms
38.         Document your walking of  an ancient pilgrimage route
39.         Be on-call for emergency relief work for the Red Cross
40.         Work to restore a historically significant building in your region
41.         Let your photography tell the story of children that are important to you
42.         Stay curious--stay open
43.         Hike the peaks and valleys of your country
44.         Help search for intelligent life in the universe
45.         Focus attention on the effects of big oil pipelines on Northern BC, and the North Coast.
46.         Interview contemporary artists for their views on art and social change and ways to save the planet
47.         Go behind history: examine an historical event that has shaped your life and see where it takes you
48.         Join a local charity or other organization to have your mind and imagination reshaped
49.         Take up the heroes in your life and move their agenda forward
50.         Trace the route of a famous explorer with a friend of yours
51.         Lead trips to countries of specific interest of yours  for Elderhostel
52.         Spend time in the another country and see what that does to shape your personal mission

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