Thursday, August 22, 2013

Out of the mouths of babes

“Tomorrow’s not going to be like today…. Because every day is a new story.”  I overheard this as the little boy talked to his dad as we sat in the park the other day. 

I think he could be right. Each day we have a chance to write a new story. To seize the day and make it our own. To put positive intention together with inspired action and create something wonderful.

But too often, we let fear run the show. We let our doubt and anxiety blind us to the opportunities around us. We miss out on the miracles because we get caught up in the fear of some awful “what if?”

But fear and doubt are never “the Truth.” Your fears are always about “what may happen.” But the future is still just an idea. It’s a possibility waiting for you to put your creative energy into.

So today – and every day – you get to decide the beliefs about yourself, your business, and your life that you are going to use to shape your story.  Humans are goal driven and we love stories, and the stories we love are about heroes  and heroines who overcome obstacles to make their dreams come true. What beliefs do you have about your story that will shape your day and become your narrative. You are the author of your own story, are you also the hero?

Are you embracing an encouraging and supportive narrative? Or are you indulging in self-judgment and pessimism?

I don’t know why it is so much easier for us to believe our negative future fantasies. But since the future has not happened yet, a doom and gloom scenario is no more real or true than a passionately positive outlook!

So, is your story today going to be an Adventure? A Romance? A Musical Comedy? Or a Tragedy? 

Every day begins with Once Upon a Time and my hope is that for you your story of the day ends with They Lived Happily Ever After.

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