Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Self esteem is important

People who are confident and have high self esteem will always attract  good circumstances and situations into their reality. This is when they have genuine confidence or appear to the outside world that they have this confidence. People do not generally feel secure, so they like to be with people who are confident. Confident people attract other confident people. Like attracts like.

How do we obtain genuine confidence? By living our life in a joyous way, surrounding ourselves with the things that make us feel good and having goals which we want to achieve and strive towards and goals that we reach.

How do we move towards achievement of goals, we do that by having good habits of success. Habits are the things we do automatically without thinking about them or exerting will power. If you have the right habits already in place, you will act automatically and with absolute certainty. If you aren't succeeding , look at the habits you have formed in your life.  Are these habits helping or hindering your goals? 

What you do in the morning and how you handle it will determine where you end up in your life. Successful people tend to be early risers and you need to be one too, if you want to succeed. Waking up early makes your mind stronger, clearer and more focused. This brings the power of the subconscious mind to the surface so success becomes easier.

Train yourself to wake up between 5am-7am or whatever is realis ticfor you. The mind can easily do with 4-6 hours of sleep if it's trained for it

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