Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nothing Lasts

Nothing lasts forever, and the individual who is not attuned to that reality is likely to be unnecessarily vulnerable to inevitable bumps in the road.  She  is constantly caught off balance and finds herself unprepared to make the rational decisions necessary to leading a happy, successful life.  

It's also important to understand that losses are built into your life's equation by constant change and factors beyond your control.  If you don't understand this reality, you're likely to be overwhelmed by frustration whenever things don't work out the way you planned.  

On the other hand, if you acknowledge the reality that life has an annoying habit of not cooperating with your plans, your brain does not self-destruct whenever fate happens to take one of its infamous sharp turns.  Thus, even though you accept the reality that life is fraught with adversity, you do more than just hope for the best.  You mentally prepare yourself for dealing with adversity.

While dealing life's unpleasant and unanticipated changes, you should make it a point to extract the lesson learned and use your new found knowledge to be better prepared the next time around. The bad experience is history, so let go of it.  Instead, focus on the knowledge you've gained, because that knowledge can prove to be far more valuable than the fruits of victory.  

Understanding that adversity that often comes with change is an integral part of life will make it far easier for you to move the dirt between you and your diamonds.  It's all part of the price you pay for success.  You are much ahead of the game if you accept the reality that everything in life has a price.  If you delude yourself into believing otherwise, you will repeatedly learn the hard way that actions do indeed have consequences.

When changing circumstances disrupt your best-laid plans, I suggest you take a tip from Voltaire, who said, "Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them.  The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us." Remember that you do not always have to know when you are going to get to your goal, or how you are going to get to your goal, but you do need to take the next step. The next step is to set up small goals that you can reach quickly, to help you move away from the negative.

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