Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Keep fit both financially and physically

If your wellness and financial well-being are important to you, then start protecting yourself. Fight the tendency to depend on someone else to protect you.

Step #1 to Insure Your Maximum Wellness
Don't get sick.

Now I realize none of us is immune to disease, infections, and injury. However, you have control over your destiny. Take control of your health. Get independent advice, internalize it and act on it.

You may think you're doing just fine but  as long as people feel okay, many get sucked into complacency and continue their bad habits. 

Nevertheless, under the surface, the consequences of bad habits insidiously accumulate until they erupt in the form of a heart attack, stroke or "sudden" onset diabetes or cancer.

Then it may be too late... and too costly for you.

You do indeed have a great deal of control of your body's intelligence, maintenance, and rejuvenation. Your body is the foundation for your life and probably your financial well-being. 

And you are the architect. Review the literature on good health, make yourself aware of what you need to do to keep yourself healthy, exercise, supplements and talking to your family doctor are good first steps.

Prevention is cheaper than the alternatives and our healthcare system should be working to help us prevent illness and injury. However, politicians get support from the health industry and therefore do not support programs that have an emphasis on prevention as much as they support programs that help cure.

Step #2 - Financial Security
Aging and medical expenses will devastate the modern industrialized world... and maybe you... unless something is done to gain control over them.

For example, according to the Government Accountability Office, by 2020, more than half of all the US federal revenue will go to support the aging population. When interest on the national debt and Medicare are factored in, there will be only eight percent of the total left to pay for other federal programs.

A Harvard University study concluded that 50% of all bankruptcy filings in the U.S. are a direct result of excessive medical expenses. 

Fifteen percent of America's gross domestic product goes to medical care--or $8,233 for each person, according to the Health Data 2012 Report. The overall healthcare cost doubled from 1993 to 2004. 

Where are medical expenses headed? According to the National Coalition on Health Care, this trend will continue. By 2015, health care spending will soar to $4 trillion, or 20% of GDP.

If you start to work on prevention after conferring with your family Dr. they you may reduce your risk disease. Any money saved means more in your pocket--every year.

The more healthy years you have the better off you are, because rather than spending money on care and prescriptions, you can invest the money you would have spent on getting well without affecting your lifestyle.  

Let us face it. Those who are going to get breakthrough medical treatment, or maybe even the bare necessities, are those who will be able to afford it. If you are old and broke when you get sick, you might be out of luck. Do not count on someone else taking care of you.

Over the past ten years, inflation devoured 28% of your overall buying power. But medical care increased by an astounding 47%. In addition, hospital and related services ballooned by 86%.

So it pays keep fully insured physically and materially. Insurance is not for sale when you need it.

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