Sunday, April 19, 2015

Why an Eye Exam Is So Important to Your Overall Health

My wife just went and had an eye exam and now realizes she needs glasses for distance. However, the exam was very thorough and the Dr. made the point that eye exams are important for your overall health. The following article address some of the reasons why you should get your eyes examined if not every year, every other year.
If you think that eye exams are only for people who need prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, then you’re sorely mistaken.
A comprehensive eye exam is a good indicator for your overall health, and it can help detect certain diseases, like diabetes and high blood pressure, before anything else.
Who needs eye exams?
People of all ages will benefit from regular eye exams, in large part because 
an eye exam can detect early signs of disease and inform you of your overall health.
Children in particular need routine eye exams because good vision is crucial for their 
education. If vision problems go undetected, a child’s academic performance will likely drop. 
For one thing, they won’t be able to read instructions on a chalkboard from far away. A
n& eye doctor will be able to tell if eyeglasses or contacts are enough, or if there’s an underlying issue causing the vision problems.
What do eye exams screen for?
Although determining the proper prescription for corrective lenses is the biggest reason for getting an eye exam, your eye doctor will also screen for many other things, including:
  • Medical diseases of your body: Diabetes is one disease that an eye doctor will be able to detect before a family physician. Other indicators in the eye can paint a broader picture of your overall health.
  • Glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract and other eye diseases: Many eye diseases won’t have any symptoms that you’d notice without the help of an eye doctor. Early detection is crucial to avoid permanent vision loss.
  • Amblyopia: This occurs when the vision in one eye is much worse than the other, and it can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated.
  • Strabismus: When the eyes are unaligned, making them crossed. This can cause problems with depth perception.
  • Problems focusing: Some children are slower at developing the ability to focus. In adults, a condition called presbyopia is the declining ability to focus.
What Our Eyes Can Tell Us about Our Health
They say that eyes are the window to the soul, but did you know that your eyes are also windows into your overall health? The eyes are the only place where you can see a person’s arteries, veins, and nerves. It is all-together transparent in that sense. Here are some things that your eyes can tell about your health.
Gray ring
Many times you will see older folks with a slight gray ring around the cornea. Doctors have found that this ring is directly correlated with high cholesterol and triglycerides. These in turn can lead to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A sure sign of a cataract is when there is clouding over the lens of the eye. Cataracts can be surgically corrected and may be caused by diabetes, exposure to the sun’s harmful rays and even medication.
Basal Cell
Small indented skin lesions in areas around the eyelid and can be a sign of skin cancers. It may not be fatal but it could cause serious damage and be fatal if not corrected soon.
Droopy Eyes
While we all get these at times when we are tired, it can also be a sign of an autoimmune disease. It is something that can be diagnosed and corrected. If you find your eyes feeling droopy often, you should visit your optometrist today.
Blood vessels in retina
When a doctor sees tiny blood vessels that are twisting, turning and going around the retina, he/she can determine that there is a higher level of blood pressure or high blood pressure. These conditions if not detected early and treated can lead to a stroke or loss of vision, so it is important to start treating it soon.
Red itchy eyes
This is one that you may see often in yourself or others. It is a sure sign of an allergic reaction. The best treatment for this is to avoid the allergens completely but there is also prescription medicine that can help as well.
Our eyes are amazing and transparent windows to our health. When you notice any of these problems with your eyes, you should see your eye doctor in order to find a diagnosis and treatment that works. Don’t wait till the last second to get a diagnosis as some of these diseases can be deadly and the sooner you address them the healthier you will be.

This information was provided by:
Bob Consor OD
The Eye Doctor's Office and Eye Gallery
Dallas, TX
Phone - 214-361-1300
Email - Dr. Consor
Website - Eye Doctor's Office

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