Friday, February 3, 2017

Don't wait to tell your story

As we move into the final stage of our life, we all want our story to be told. We all want to be remembered. In the last few months. Many of us have different faces to present to the world. (The song Two Faces Have I by Lou Christie springs to mind) and many of our friends may only know one or two aspects of who we really are. As we look back over our life, we also struggle to get our story told, in a way that holds meaning for us. Story telling is part of human nature, we all love stories and we all would love to be able to tell stories well

I have been to a number of celebrations of life. Each one honored the person who had died. The friends and relatives, told stories about how the person who had died, had made an impact on their lives. There were many happy, poignant and heartfelt stories. People learned new aspects of the friend they had lost. Yet some people struggled to tell their story about the loved one meaningful for the audience.

I am always amazed by how we all tell stories naturally, yet so many people struggle to tell stories that really work. When I say really work, I mean that they do what stories do best --‐ engage your audience, create connections.

So here are some ideas on how to make your story meaningful.
First, Tell Your Own Story Don’t make it up. Don’t borrow someone else’s story that inspired you. Don’t think that you don’t have any interesting stories—everyone does. Everyday stories are what you should be sharing, because we can all relate these stories are the real thing. The trick is to make sure that you include something that MOVES you. If it moves you it will resonate with the audience, it’s that simple. You see, when it’s true, it’s easy to tell. No stress, no pressure,

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you think about or write down the story:
1.    Where were you? When you recall the moment, what do you see? Describe the moment with all your senses. Set the scene
2.    When did you notice something that made you feel different to how you felt before?
3.    Why was this event special? Why does it move you?
4.    What is it’s meaning in relation those around you?

Acknowledge yourself. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, we’re too quick to judge ourselves (and others) negatively. Be proud of your story, it’s more powerful than you can imagine. The importance of acknowledgment is vastly underestimated. The practice of acknowledgement is often sorely lacking.

1.    How often do you acknowledge the people around you; partner, family, friends, colleagues?
2.    How do you feel when your efforts are not acknowledged?
3.    How can you create a practice of acknowledgement?
4.    What self--‐acknowledgement have you been lacking?

To start your story, list 10 achievements that you want to congratulate yourself for.

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