Sunday, April 14, 2019


Guess what life is not a game of life or death, it is a game of life and death. The bad news is you and I will never make it through life alive. As we move through life, many of us mistake 'satisfaction for security.  This is a serious error.  Being satisfied can:
· destroy your vitality
· hinder or destroy your ambition.
· let you settle.
· keep you from living life to the fullest.
Once you realize that there is no escape from the end of life and that life is not safe, the realization that there is a lack of safety can open up a reality of choice. In retirement, it is important to rekindle an old passion or find a new passion. We need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Once you step out of your comfort zone, you open yourself up to a world where you can search and find your passion! But opening your heart and your head to the idea of finding passion in your life, may also be frightening. Life at times can be scary and uncomfortable. Remember we are going to make it through to the end and as our journey moves to its inevitable conclusion, we can embrace the discomfort and turn it to our advantage, or we can retreat into ourselves and let the discomfort and unease overwhelm us.  The sages that we sometimes read or listen to have given us these homilies:
It's never too late! (That is, as long as you're still alive.)
You can always make a different choice. Choose to:
  • follow your dreams
  • aim higher
  • play hard
  • go big

(you're going 'to die ' in the end anyhow)
All we need to do is find the courage to make different choices.

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