Friday, April 12, 2019


As you move into or start thinking of moving into retirement, don't focus on the money. I have talked about how money or the lack of it can influence your lifestyle in retirement. There are plenty of people who can help you look at your financial situation when you retire. There are not many that will ask you to focus on how you will grow as a person when you retire. 

We all need a reason to get up in the morning, and when you first retire, it may be difficult to find that reason. I want you to think about one area of life that brings you the most discomfort. Why you ask? While that area of discomfort that you feel means that you need to grow and learn and become a better person in that area of your life. This area is as you know is an area that you're ripe for growth.

Think about it, you know it true, never fails,

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