Monday, April 22, 2019

Some thoughts on Fear

In retirement, it is important that you examine and rekindle your old passions, or create new passions. One thing will hold you back from doing this is fear. Ask yourself what you are afraid of? After you know what you are afraid of, then you need to ask what are the results of this fear? Finally, you need to ask if you can live with the results of the fear. If you can, then you should continue. If you cannot, then you need to re-evaluate. Remember: Fear neither causes the events that you fear to happen nor can it prevent them from happening

  1. Women fear of loss of femininity
  2. Men fear of loss of masculinity. 
  3. We fear what other people will think of us or what we are doing. 
  4. The only constant in life is change and many of us fear change. 
  5. Some fear they lack confidence.
  6. Failure. 
  7. What if I try something and it doesn't work out is a big fear for some.
  8. If I make a mistake, I will have to live with it the rest of my life, is a fear that holds some of us back. Yes, some mistakes are permanent, but most are not permanent.
  9. \Many of us fear the unknown.
  10. If I do x I fear that xxxx might happen
  11. I may feat the loss of someone specials respect.
Self-image is a conceptual, visual, display of self-esteem. Take stock of those images with which you display yourself: clothes, autos, home, garage, closet, dresser drawers, desks, photos, gardens, and cars. Make it a priority to get rid of the clutter and sharpen the expressions of your life. 

A good way to start to address your fears is to review your life and write a two-page resume of your professional and personal assets. Write it as if it would be read at your funeral as your eulogy. Read this twice a day. for a week. Now rewrite the article in the future tense. List your maximum current potential and future potential. Another good idea is to listen to inspirational tapes. Listening sparks the imagination.

Use self-instruction cards to help you visualize and take charge of your fears and your life. In 21 days by using self-instruction cards and visualization, you can take steps to start changing your life. Here is how it works. Write down your goals on index cards. Make them simple, one goal per card. Write them in the first person present tense. Read these cards twice a day for 21 days. Practice visualizing as you completing the goal as you read the card. 

A Sample Self instruction:
I am going to reach out and reconnect with my friends from high school and my college/university over the next year.

I guarantee that one of two events will happen. 

  1. You will move closer to your goals within 21 days or 
  2. You will stop reading the card. 

By following the above steps you will make the movie of your mind come alive for you. You will be that much closer to reaching your goals.

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