Sunday, May 26, 2019

Social Skills for Shy Seniors

I have some friends who are shy, they find it difficult to meet new people and to take part in social activities, outside of their small group of friends. As children and young adults, we learned how to make friends. As we age, death and disabilities take away many of these friends. We often need to relearn some social skills and that can be very challenging for shy people. If we do not expand our circle, we may end up isolated and alone. The following was put together by talking to seniors who are not shy.

10 Simple Steps are for those who would like more friends in their lives and are not quite sure how to find them.
Remember, you don’t have to do all these steps at once. Start with the easiest. Be gentle with yourself and be proud of the fact that you are trying!
1.               Look in the mirror. Are you clean, tidy and looking happy? Remember to smile.
2.               Make eye contact when you greet people. They will know that you feel they are important and worth your time.
3.               Listen more than you talk. If you are nervous, you might tend to run on in your conversation. If people start to look bored, it’s time to be quiet and give someone else a turn. Remember, a conversation is not a monologue.
4.               Ask questions: “What do you think?” “How did you get involved?” “Where are you from?”
5.               Enroll in a class. Learning something new will keep your brain young and make you a more interesting person to be with.
6.               Volunteer for something somewhere… neighbourhood, residence, church, etc.
7.               Be considerate, respectful and sincere to everyone.
8.               Join a club. You will find people with similar interests.
9.               Watch for others who might be feeling just as you are. Smile and say hello.

10.         Attend discussion groups. Even if you don’t say a word, people will come to recognize you and be more likely to talk to you.

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