Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Saving your knees 2

Treatments for osteoarthritis is directed at controlling the inflammatory response and maximizing your body's ability to compensate for the damaged joint. You should check with your doctor about which treatment is best for you. There are however some things that you might do to help yourself if you have osteoarthritis, such as:

1. Maintain a healthy weight.
Toting around excess weight places tremendous pressure on your knees. “For every pound of weight you put on, the knees will have four more pounds of force on them and even more than that when you go up or downstairs.

2. Keep moving.
Regular physical activity helps maintain joint function, including strength and range of motion in the knees, which means less force gets applied to the knee.

3. Strengthen the muscles that support your knees.
Developing strong thigh muscles — especially the quadriceps, hamstrings and abductors — improves range of motion, protects knee cartilage and reduces. An aquatic exercise is an excellent option for patients who have difficulty exercising.

4. Perfect your posture.
Make a point of standing tall, with your head in line with your shoulders, your shoulders directly over your hips, your hips aligned with your knees, and your knees aligned with your feet. Doing “Pilates, yoga, tai chi and core-strengthening exercises such as planks and back extensions can help improve your posture.

6. Listen to your knee pain.
If you develop pain and swelling in your knee, take a break from walking, running or any other high-impact activity you're doing. Give your knee the RICE treatment — rest, ice, compression and elevation — and take an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen.

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