Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thoughts on our legacy

I have talked about the idea of commitment and starting because as I posted a while back, "the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred". So as you move into retirement, I want to do more than think about your legacies. My friend asked me the other day about why I did what I did. He wanted to know what motivated me. A good question, I thought about his question and I said to him, what motivates you, you are still working, coaching, being active in the work community contributing to our profession? He said, no don’t evade the question why are you doing all this stuff?
When I retired, I thought my life would be very different, but opportunities are everywhere and a number of them were of interest to me and so I started and one thing leads to another. For those who don’t know I wear a number of hats, I am on the Council of Advisors for the Senior Advocate in my province, I am on the Mayor’s Roundtable for my municipality, I am a Workshop trainer, presenter and writer for a seniors health and wellness group, which operates province-wide, I am President of my local Senior Center Advisory Association and I am on a local non-profit team looking at the issues of isolation and loneliness in my community, in addition, I write this blog. By the way, I do know how to say "no" and have turned down many other very interesting opportunities.
So, what motivates me, well in one word, my grandson, I want him to understand that we can all make a difference, no matter how small, to make life better for others. My hope is that one day, when he is old enough all the little things I did today, will be scrutinized, literally moment by moment, by him and perhaps by a future me, and future friends, as well as anyone else interested.
My hope is that all those who know me or who will come to know me, would all be looking at a number of qualities, especially patience, kindness, and love, that I hope I act on, during this game of games and tests of tests called life. Now when you think about how you will be viewed now or in the future; does it make you consider how you might treat the very next person, you see?

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