Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The new reality?

In BC we have moved to stage 3 in our recovery model. This means that although travel, hotel stays and expanded social circles are encouraged they are not encouraged too much. We are between 60 and 65% for social interactions of what used to be the old normal. This does not mean the virus is gone, it just means that we can protect ourselves and our healthcare system as new cases are found. 

The move to a new reality is interesting to watch. In BC we, as a society have trusted our Chief Medical Doctor and for the most part, follow her directions. Our politicians have stepped out of the way of science and have allowed medical advice to guide their decisions.

In other parts of the world, this does not appear to be the case and the mounting death toll and number of cases show that science does work, if the people trust the science, as we do in BC. However, it is still isolating and frustrating for those with underlying medical conditions and those who are over 65. 

My wife has underlying conditions and she does venture out, but she keeps her trips out low and her social circle small. My brother-in-law also has underlying conditions and he does not venture out of his comfort zone. I also have other friends who are in the same situation, but they all are in good spirits and I hope that they continue to stay in good spirits. 

If you can, get out, walk, garden, sit on your patio or front steps and enjoy the sun or the light rain,( more likely in BC) and trust the science to help us get to where in a new reality we can move closer to 100% of social interactions.

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