Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Get out

 It is tough being in a lockdown and one day we will move back to normal. A vaccine is soon to be ready for us. The temptation once the vaccine is ready will be to get out, get out, get out even more!

The reason that we want to get out is not only because we are a social animal, but because there are people you've yet to meet, laughs you've yet to share, stories you've yet to live, and riches you've yet to tap, that will not find you under any other circumstances.

 While the temptation is high, we should be cautious, because even though the vaccine will be ready, many will not take it. There will be the anti-vaccers, those who don’t trust governments for other reasons, those who may be allergic to the vaccine and those who believe that they are immune to the effects of the disease. Whatever the reason, the temptation to get out, should be tempered by being cautious and common sense. The stories can still be told, the humour and the laughs can still happen but not in person until enough of us get the vaccine. So when the vaccine is available I will see you there so we can move toward herd immunity, faster rather than slower

1 comment:

  1. You are correct. Patience is important.That means some more sheltering in place. I found a nifty project which is beneficial and easy to do. The Virus has awakened us to the fact that there are unplanned life interruptions....accidents, strokes, illness, etc. When someone has to take over..for us or our parents...where is everything.I found My Life Directory as an easy, inexpensive, confidential solution...way simpler than other books and file folders. Next couple weeks and in honor of the New is on my "to do" list.
